Rocket Bot Royale Review

Rocket Bot Royale is one of the most simple multiplayer games I have played in recent years. However, it has captivated me in ways that I am surprised about. I keep on finding myself coming back to it.

Weirdly Fresh Battle Royale

The game is simple. You are a battle tank that shoots missiles at other tanks until one remains. However, the layers start to tack on quickly. The two interesting elements are that you only have three missiles that regenerate over time, and the water begins to rise slowly, making the arena smaller.

These two features make the rounds tense. The limit on missiles makes the gameplay extremely complex and requires you to be very initial in your tank placement. The most interesting gameplay is when a couple of players are all trying to get to higher ground, and not become exposed to the other player’s attacks.

The games are quick, and it can make the game extremely addicting. When I lose I don’t get annoyed I just queue up again. While the long rounds of Fortnite create a fun game the inverse can be true in this case.

Pay to win potentially?

The game has a lot of pay to win features. In each game, you can earn coins that let you buy 1-time special weapons or perks to use in the next round. However, you can also purchase the gold with real money which means you can come in with amazing stats every game.

I go back and forth on whether or not the game is pay to win. The problem is that it feels unfair to come out of the game, and nuke your enemies while they have nothing. I used some of my gold to buy top perks and was able to feel that I was stronger than everyone.

However, the game does have a lot of skill involved in winning. Despite this, the challenge of fighting someone with extra damage and health is not a fun experience. It is complicated to deal with.

The game still feels fresh

I have played this game for around 25 hours off and on, and with new seasons having started I am still drawn in. The developers put in a lot of features that allow the player to work towards goals. The battle pass and daily challenges give me a reason to come back and knock out a couple every day.

I don’t know how much longer I am going to play, and this will affect the score. The game is not that deep, and I don’t think it will rank highly on my year-end list. However, it has been a great game to play in between bigger releases.

In Conclusion

The game is really fun, but it isn’t complex or a game I can recommend easily. I do not think this game will captivate people in the same way it has to me. However, there is something great in there somewhere.


A fantastic battle royale that is worth checking out. If you do you can expect to face an interesting online experience to make the time go by.