Are the Requests in Pokemon Legends Arceus worth doing?

Pokemon Legends Arceus shook up the Pokemon formula quite a bit. One of the new features is requests given by NPCs. However, I have the question “Are the Requests in Pokemon Legends Arceus worth doing?”

What are requests?

Requests are little tasks given out by NPCs in the different areas in the game. Typically, they involve collecting some items or catching certain pokemon. However, some of the requests can be very specific such as catching a large Buizel.

The rewards for the missions range from a new base camp all the way to just a potion. However, the question is still up in the air whether they are worth doing at all.

How much time do you spend on a request?

A request can take a lot of time to complete, or in most cases, they are just passively completed by playing the game. I went back after I completed the story mode of the game, and did a lot of the requests. However, I realized that I had already done a huge portion of the work already.

Despite this, I still had some random requests to fulfill. The bad part is that these were slow, and often boring missions with the town folk. They really felt like game padding which was unneeded.

The game already has plenty of content, but I didn’t even bother to explore this content until the end of the game. However, when I got to it I was not thrilled.

Are any of the rewards worth it?

They are not exactly fun to do. However, they sometimes have really great rewards that might be worth doing early on in the game. I would say that all of the requests related to the farm are worth doing ASAP. This will give you a solid amount of resources throughout the game.

Another good reward is the Shiny Ponyta which is a part of the “A Peculiar Ponyta” request. Outside of these, I think the requests that unlock new campsites are pretty solid.

Besides that, I think most of the rewards are actually pretty bad. Almost all of the items are regularly occurring, or they can be found with just a little bit of effort.

The verdict?

I would say No unless you are going for everything. The rewards for most of them are not worth the trouble. However, I would say that some of the requests might actually be essential to playing the game optimally.