Graceful Charity was released in Starter Deck Pegasus in 2003, and was banned for good in March 2007. In the early days of Yugioh, this card was a staple and one of the best draw cards in the history of the game. However, This brings up the question, “Why is Graceful Charity Banned?”
What does Graceful Charity do?
Early Yugioh cards had very little text on their cards in most cases. Graceful Charity is really good because of this. When Graceful Charity is played the player can draw three cards from the top of their deck. Then, the player has to discard 2 cards from their hand. Graceful Charity doesn’t specify much beyond that point. This means that you can keep all three of the cards you draw, and discard two cards that were in your hand you don’t want. The card is at worst a plus zero in your hand, as you have the same hand size before and after playing this card. You draw three then get rid of Graceful Charity and two cards.
How does Graceful Charity work in practice?
Really well. It seems that every year a new archetype that works in the graveyard is released. If Graceful Charity is around it gives those decks the ability to throw two cards in the graveyard and draw three. Discarding is no longer the disadvantage it once was. Imagine playing against Burning Abyss, but they can send Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss to the graveyard and draw three cards then trigger the effect. The card is getting better and better, as time goes on. Even off meta decks such as Lightsworn and Dark Worlds would become better with this card.
Ignoring the discard effect the player still is drawing three cards. Players are willing to play Pot of Desires that banishes 10 cards just to draw two. Discarding two cards is not a bad trade off for the gains. Through playing the game you realize discarding cards is not that bad.
Can Graceful Charity be Unbanned?
No. The card was already really good in 2003 through 2007, but now that Konami is making the graveyard a second hand I don’t see any chance of it coming back. Pot of Greed is more balanced than this, as every deck benefits equally from a plus one. This card will let discard and graveyard decks run rampant. Despite this, I would love to see Graceful Charity unbanned for a format.