What does Destroy and Expend mean in Griftlands?

Destroy and Expend are two keywords that show up on cards throughout the game Griftlands. While both of the keywords are similar they do very different things. Not understanding this difference can cause a lot of headaches as you explore the post-apocalyptic world of Griftlands.

What does Destroy mean?

Destroy means that once the card is used in negotiation it will be permanently removed from your deck. However, these cards typically have a higher attack value than normal. A card with the destroy keyword can be used as an extra powerful attack to be saved for a tough encounter.

Despite this, I typically stray away from using a card with the destroy keyword. However, this can also be used to thin out your deck of suboptimal cards. Destroy typically is on item cards that are very good, and are balanced around being used once per run or a set amount of time.

What does Expend mean?

Expend means that the card is removed from the deck after being used. However, the card is placed back into the deck after the encounter ends. The cards tend to be more powerful, but are less powerful than the destroy cards.

This also thins the deck, but it is a card you have to be continuously thin out every encounter. In most cases, I would choose any other keyword. Typically Expend is on cards that are very good, and are balanced to be used once per encounter.

Destroy or Expend?

In most cases, I would just pick the destroy. Having a small deck of great cards is better than having a large deck with a lot of filler. Destroy lets you get rid of the mediocre cards, but expend means that you are adding a mediocre card to your deck.

However, I would ideally choose neither as they typically don’t fit into a theme. Synergy is important in creating a deck, and this can create negative synergy.