Tinyfolks Review

Tinyfolks Review

Tinyfolks is an intriguing roguelike turn-based strategy game. While the core gameplay is good the replayability is low. However, where it lacks in content it makes up in charm

The developer is still updating the game, so this review is based on the content created as of June 25th, 2022. I played through the game twice. Once on the normal difficulty to completion, and once on a challenge run.

Despite this, I have played enough of the game to give it a fair review. The gameplay is simple enough for me to discuss, and the content is not as deep to require multiple runs.

Tiny Beginnings

Tinyfolks was made by solo developer Pierre Vandermaesen who is from southern France. Pierre has made several short games that are on his itch.io page, but this seems to be his first commercial release.

Tinyfolks is a turn-based strategy roguelike game with elements of town building. The gameplay loop is you leading your group of folks out to a dungeon, and after the adventure coming back to train them in the town you build. The game this is the most similar to is Darkest Dungeon.

The dungeons follow the format of 4 encounters with normal enemies, and a boss battle at the end. The variety of the different encounters is pretty solid. However, The dungeons can be selected non-linearly. Despite this, if you complete all of the dungeons of the same difficulty at once it is a rather easy game on the normal difficulty.

You can modify your team in a lot of different ways, but the biggest choice is in what classes you will be using on your team.

A Fun Tiny Experience

You have to level your expectations with this game. If you are expecting a never ending Roguelike game like Binding of Isaac, Hades, or Griftlands then you will be disappointed. However, if you are expecting a 2-3 hour fun little experience then you will be satisfied.

The game is the price of a Big Mac at McDonald’s, and you will feel better after enjoying it. The developer also seems to be committed for the time being to adding more content.

I had a good time, but in the same breath, I am little desire to replay the game. Towards the end of my run, I figured out the best classes and ways to play the game. The bosses seem locked to the area, so my experience will just be easier.

I could go back and try this new strategy on hard. However, I will likely not do that. This needs to be factored into my review.

In Conclusion

Cute pixel graphics and simple mechanics make this a fun little experience. However, it is not an experience I see myself going constantly back to. It is a hard game to pin a recommendation on.

It is a cheap game, and I do think for the price the content is worthwhile. However, it is hard for me to think about a group of gamers that would love this game. I think the niche this game fills is a fun game to play in a morning or a night.

It is rare that a game can be completed in a night, and feel satisfying.


A fun game that can be completed in an afternoon. However, the game doesn’t have the most replayability. Despite this, it is worth a shot if you just want something to occupy a couple of hours.