Five Franchises Nintendo has Abandoned

Nintendo is a juggernaut in gaming, and since the 1970s the company has released a myriad of games. Sadly, the company also has a graveyard of IPs that have been missing in some cases for decades. While the article could go on for thousands of words I would love to just talk about some of the more interesting missing series. Here are five franchises Nintendo has abandoned or forgotten.

An abandoned franchise is different from a series that has sporadic releases. To be abandoned you have to hardly ever be mentioned. While Fire Emblem has traditionally been a series that received less love than the other flagships it was still a series that received a new release for almost every console generation. However, some franchisees may have not even received a game since the Nintendo 64 or a mention in Super Smash Bros.

Ice Climbers: A One Hit Wonder

Nintendo fanatics are likely well aware of this duo of characters. They have appeared in a couple of the Super Smash Bros games. However, they have a spotty reputation from players. At this point, they feel like a part of the game, and their exclusion is notable. Despite this, the pair has only appeared in one game back in 1984 on NES. The game is not very good but holds a distinct title as a launch title for the system in North America.

This franchise has only one game but has been re-released nine times since the NES release. I struggle to call it a franchise. The game is extremely visible, and Nintendo is weirdly fond of making it playable on every console. However, Nintendo has failed to give this game a sequel in the last 37 years.

I believe the problem that Nintendo has is the question of what a sequel could be. Ice Climbers gameplay is not great and doesn’t lead itself well to a series. The only way I can see it working is a reinvention similar to Kid Icarus Uprising.

Nintendogs: A Casual Fan’s Favorite

Nintendogs was a huge series during the Nintendo DS and holds the distinction of the second best-selling game on the system. The sequel Nintendogs+Cats was a launch title for the Nintendo 3DS and is the 14th best-selling game on the console. People loved the games, and they are still fondly remembered by the kids who played this. However, the series hasn’t gotten a new game in the last 10 years.

Nintendogs became a huge success on mobile consoles, and with the Nintendo Switch not being a true mobile console the game got left behind. I have a problem believing the game shouldn’t get a sequel. The game did financially well for the company. However, I believe this game would work best in the smartphone market. Virtual pet games have been in a slump for a bit, and this series could take advantage of that.

Code Name S.T.E.A.M.: A Failed Experiment

During the 3DS and Wii U era, Nintendo had a very brief period of experimentation. Splatoon and Miitopia were both products of this era. However, the other game to come out of this is Code Name S.T.E.A.M. The game is about several American storybook characters who help Abraham Lincoln fight aliens. The game was a third-person shooter and a turn-based strategy game which was kind of a mess. However, the game was also a financial and critical failure.

Sometimes a game is forgotten for a reason. While not horrible no one adored the game. I remember playing this a couple of years after release when it was heavily discounted. The game was interesting, but I remember it being too slow. The game has potential for a sequel, but I don’t see that happening.

Punchout: A Nintendo Fan Favorite

Punchout is a game that has always been a fan favorite. Nintendo fans have clammered for a sequel ever since the end of the Wii era. In 2009, the last Punchout game was released on the Wii. Fans love the quirky characters, and the challenging gameplay the series offers. However, the series has been mysteriously absent since the end of the Wii. Punchout on the Wii really was a perfect storm, as nostalgia for the NES was at its height and the motion controls made a unique gaming experience.

The problem could be that without motion controls Nintendo doesn’t want to make a sequel. The game could still work with the joycons, and in the handheld mode it could be controlled like the NES game was. This entry is a personal favorite of mine, and I want to see who Little Mac might fight on his way to the top.

Sin & Punishment: The Cult Classic

Sin & Punishment is an on-rail shooter that was super well received by critics. On-rail shooters are a fair niche genre, but I personally love them! Sin & Punishment is such a neat game that I want more people to play, and now that is on the Nintendo Switch Online service I highly recommend it. The first game in the series was only released in Japan until the Wii Virtual Console release.

However, the game got a sequel in 2009 on the Wii titled Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. The game really is extremely fun, and is one of the many great on rail shooting games on the Wii. Despite this, the game doesn’t have any sequels after this one. The game is rather niche, so the problem might be a lack of broad appeal.

In Conclusion

I didn’t mention Mother which while ignored by Nintendo deserves an article of its own. I would love to see a new Mother game, or even Mother 3 come to the US. However, I am not expecting it. The list is games I think have at least a shot at a sequel, or were an interesting case. If any of these games get a sequel announced then that would be great despite the article becoming outdated.