Disney Mirrorverse Review

Disney Mirrorverse is a gacha game where you collect characters from the Disney and Pixar universe. It is perhaps the weirdest gacha game I have played. Typically, these games are the equivalent of playing a slot machine for hours, but this was in a Disney slot machine.

Despite this, the mechanics are shallow and it leaves little to be desired in the realm of engaging content. If you are not a Disney fanatic this game has very little to engage you.

The Gacha Problem

Gacha games get their name from Japanese Gashapon machines which are little vending machines that disperse trinkets in capsules. These are rather fun as you get the rush of getting one of the cute trinkets, and have a collect them all elements.

Gacha games replicate this, but instead of creating a collection of trinkets you are creating a virtual collection of characters. Most gacha games have an RPG element that incentives players to always roll for new stronger characters.

However, what makes or breaks a gacha game is how many people want to collect their characters. Cookie Run Kingdom was a very successful gacha game that was actually pretty good. Cookie Run Kingdom wasn’t tied to a big media property, but the designs were appealing enough to pop off.

If you don’t want to collect Buzz Lightyear, Baloo, or Scrooge McDuck then this game isn’t for you.

Breadth of content, but not much depth

The game has a lot of stuff for you to do, but most of it is the same flavor of gameplay. It is the loop of going to battle to earn shards and going to the store to spend your shards. The game is actually very giving with free material if you are willing to grind.

The problem really is that a pay wall comes up pretty quickly. I found that around the 5th area you need to grind daily missions to beat those levels. The goal from a design perspective is to have you spend money to continue.

I am not against microtransactions, but the content isn’t good enough to warrant a transaction. It is just the same gameplay over and over again. Your strategy doesn’t really need to change, and increasing character stats is how you beat every encounter.

In Conclusion

If you are a fan of Disney then this might be a great game for you. However, if you want to collect Disney characters you can just get into pin collecting. The game has fun content, but it is really not deep enough to warrant the cost.


Only for huge fans of Disney who can’t get enough of collecting Baloo. However, if you are not into Disney enough to pay money then the game has very little for you.