Aphrodite Boon Guide – Hades

The Greek goddess Aphrodite is the god of beauty and love. Aphrodite is one of the many gods that assist Zagreus in his quest to reach the surface. Aphrodite gives Zagreus the power to charm and weaken enemies. In this Aphrodite Boon Guide, I will outline all boons and the use cases for them.

General Aphrodite Advice

What does Weak do?

Weak is a status affliction that is imposed by some of the Aphrodite boons. Weakness makes it so enemies do 30% less damage. However, the effect only lasts for a small 3 seconds. Despite this, several of the boons add to the duration.

What does Charm do?

Charm makes it so enemies that are inflicted with this do not attack Zagreus. Instead, the enemies will start attacking each other. This effect does work on bosses. However, the duration on bosses is much lower.

What weapons work well with Aphrodite?

Most of the weapons are fairly solid with Aphrodite builds. In my experience, the Stygian Blade is the standout. The blade attacks can be insanely high, and the Aphrodite boons make getting in the thick of it easier. Charmed and Weakness both make it easier for you to take on more enemies at once. However, the player still needs to be aware that the enemies can still take you out despite being weak.

The Boons

Heartbreak Strike

Description: Your Attack deals more damage and inflicts Weak
Common: Attack Damage +50% / Rare: Attack Damage +65% / Epic: Attack Damage +92% / Heroic: Attack Damage +115%


The attack scaling is just really high and makes the boon worth it at heroic and epic. The ability to inflict weakness also makes you bulkier, as you can take more hits. However, to get the benefits of weakness you have to make an attack. If you are dealing so much damage to an enemy then the weakness might not stay on for long. Despite this, the boon is still a great one to pick up.

Heartbreak Flourish

Description: Your Special deals more damage and inflicts Weak
Common: Attack Damage +80% / Rare: Attack Damage +114% / Epic: Attack Damage +155% / Heroic: Attack Damage +188%


The comments about this boon are similar to Heartbreak Strike. The damage scaling is really good, and the weakness that is applied is helpful. However, this type of ability can be less helpful on a special. Some of the weapons special attacks are not great, and you will not get a lot of mileage out of it. Despite this, on a weapon with a great special then this is a fantastic boon.

Crush Shot

Description: Your Cast is a wide, short-range blast that inflicts Weak
Common: Cast Damage 90 / Rare: Cast Damage 100 / Epic: Cast Damage 110 / Heroic: Cast Damage 120


The damage on this cast is not really great, but that is not the appeal. Applying weakness onto an enemy using your cast is a great utility option. Sometimes you just need to weaken an enemy that you don’t want to kill at the moment. However, this cast does have a short-range which limits the utility to weaken ranged enemies.

Passion Flare

Description: Your Cast damages foes around you and inflicts Weak
Common: Cast Damage 80 / Rare: Cast Damage 96 / Epic: Cast Damage 112 / Heroic: Cast Damage 128


This boon is exclusive to the Aspect of Beowulf. This is similar to the crush shot. It is pretty good, but because it is only on the Aspect of Beowulf my use of this is limited. However, it is something that does have utility and can be an alright option depending on how the rest of the build is going. Despite this, it might be the best option for you if you are running Aspect of Beowulf. Just pick it up.

Passion Dash

Description: Your Dash deals damage where you end up, inflicting Weak
Dash Damage 20 / Rare: Dash Damage 24 / Epic: Dash Damage 28 / Heroic: Dash Damage 32


It is a dash which is pretty good, but it is far from the best dash boon in the game. Weakness is good, but applying it to enemies near you is not amazing. The damage is low. However, it isn’t the worst dash boon, and if you get more buffs to weakness down the road then it can be good.

Aphrodite’s Aid

Description: Your Call fires a seeking projectile that inflects Charm
Charm Duration 5 seconds / Rare: Charm Duration 5.5 seconds / Epic: Charm Duration 6 seconds / Heroic: Charm Duration 6.5 seconds


Might be one of the worst Calls you can get in the game. The effects of the Zeus and Athena boons are way better, and the effects of this are underwhelming. It doesn’t feel like a grand ultimate. However, a call is better than no call. Despite this, I would try holding it out for a better call.

Dying Lament

Description: When foes are slain, they damage nearby foes and inflict Wear
Death Blast Damage 40 / Rare: Death Blast Damage 60 / Epic: Death Blast Damage 75 / Heroic: Death Blast Damage 98


Dying Lament is really good in a lot of scenarios. It clears the room that is full of enemies and can cause a chain reaction. However, the boon doesn’t have much to any utility during a boss fight. Despite this, the boon is extremely good in the last level of the game.

Wave of Despair

Description: After you take damage, damage foes around you and inflict Weak
Revenge Damage 50 / Rare: Revenge Damage 63 / Epic: Revenge Damage 75 / Heroic: Revenge Damage 98


I don’t care for revenge boons. If you are getting hit enough to take advantage of this boon then you have bigger problems. However, if I want a revenge boon having some of the enemies weakened is a good outcome. The damage output is not great. Despite this, I still sometimes pick it up if the other options are worse.

Life Affirmation

Description: Any life chamber rewards are worth more.
Bonus Life Gain +30% / Rare: Bonus Life Gain 36% / Epic: Bonus Life Gain 42% / Heroic:Bonus Life Gain 48%


This is very similar to Wave of Despair. If you are depending on this boon then you have bigger problems. Despite this, Life Affirmation can be really good for players of all skill levels. Sometimes you just want to get more health. However, if you are not taking a lot of damage then this boon is not great.

Different League

Description: Resist some damage from nearby foes’ attacks
Reduced Damage From Foes +10% / Rare: Reduced Damage From Foes +13% / Epic: Reduced Damage from Foes +15% / Heroic: Reduced Damage From Foes +18%


Resisting damage is pretty good. Getting hit is going to happen, and you might as well take less damage. However, the downside is that it is only from enemies who are nearby. However, I struggle to think of why this would be the first-choice boon in any scenario.

Empty Inside

Description: Your Weak effects have a longer duration
Weak Duration +5 seconds / Rare: Weak Duration +7.5 seconds / Epic: Weak Duration +10 seconds / Heroic: Weak Duration +12.5 seconds


This is a good that is worth picking up. Normally, if you weaken an enemy you want to stay weak for a long period, and this does that. However, this boon shines at higher rarities. Despite this, the milage will vary depending on your other Aphrodite boons.

Broken Resolve

Description: Your weak effects are more potent
Weak Damage Reduction +10% / Rare: Weak Damage Reduction +12% / Epic: Weak Damage Reduction +15% / Heroic: Weak Damage Reduction +17%


Typically, an increase in potency is good, but the scaling is what makes it less valuable to me. I don’t see the boon as amazing at the common or rare rarity. However, the epic and heroic are both pretty good. Despite this, anything above the 30% base weakness modifier is worth looking into. It’s complicated for me.

Blown Kiss

Description: Your cast shoots farther and is stronger against undamaged foes
First-Hit Bonus Damage +50% / Rare: First-Hit Bonus Damage +75% / Epic: First-Hit Bonus Damage +100% / Heroic: First-Hit Bonus Damage +125%


The scaling on this boon is good. However, the fact that it is only affecting the first attack on an enemy is not amazing. Despite this, with the damage and range added you should be able to one-hit a lot of new enemies.

Sweet Surrender

Description: Weak-afflicted foes are also more susceptible to damage
Damage vs. Weak +10% / Rare: Damage vs. Weak +13% / Epic: Damage vs. Weak +21% / Heroic: Damage vs. Weak +25%


This boon makes everything fall in place, as you can start taking out those weakened much quicker. However, this is a late-game boon that is positive and a negative for hoping this boon comes up. Despite this, you should build-up to this if you have the chance.

Unhealthy Fixation

Description: Your weak effects also have a +15% chance to Charm foes
Common: Charm Duration 4 seconds


If you can get this boon then you need to have plenty of weakness boons, so you should pick it up. However, if you accidentally qualify for this boon being available then it might also be worth just picking it up.